The Secret To Effective Ant Control In Southern California

ant on a plant

Commonplace pests are sometimes thought to be harmless or manageable. This is a major misconception that jeopardizes homes and businesses across Southern California. Under no circumstances should insects and creatures be tolerated. Most have the potential to damage buildings and belongings, hurt people, disperse illnesses, or transmit disease. All of these possibilities apply to ants.

There are many subspecies of ants. Not only do their appearances vary, but there’s also differentiation with risk level and elimination methods. It would be wise to learn about the classes that plague the region, so you can take appropriate preventive actions. Moreover, find out how Excel Pest Management can assist you in your defense.

What Ants Are Common in Southern California? What Are the Dangers?

Pharaoh, odorous house, and Argentine ants are just three of the ant groups that dominate Southern California. Generally, Pharaoh Ants are 0.12 of an inch long or tinier. Their yellow-brown bodies have red or black marks in the stomach area. Typical to pests, their movement depends on having food, water, and shelter. Thus, pantries, meal packages, and pipe chases are what they’ll gather in. However, they will nest anywhere. A primary sign of an infestation is spotting their amber-colored workers.

Odorous House Ants are black or brown, and 0.12 of an inch long too. They are prevalent in domiciles and establishments because of the available moisture and humidity. You might find them congregating around utilities and heaters. Foundation and floor gaps, paneling, and carpeting are also places they tend to settle in. If you try to crush them, you are sure to smell a rotten coconut scent. Moderate pain accompanies their bites. Seeing just one signifies an invasion.

Argentine Ants are the same length as their odorous house relatives. They come in various hues of brown and are completely hairless. Having wings is a trait of queens and males. Known for violating interiors, these insects will be nearby in the yard. Clusters of them will be in organic debris, soil, logs, trees, and sidewalk cracks. They’ll be under floorboards and in structural voids once indoors.

What Are Ways to Prevent Southern California Ants?

There is no such thing as an innocent ant. All are dangerous because they can contaminate food and surfaces with the bacteria they carry. Some of the illnesses associated with these pests are E. coli and salmonella. It’s tough battling these bugs because they easily access the indoors and procreate with speed. Thousands of members make up the average colony. To keep influxes of ants down, perform these tasks:

  • Close up holes in foundations, doors, screens, windows, and utility lines.
  • Attach sweeps to all exterior doors.
  • Routinely mow the grass and trim greenery. Put plants two feet away from the property.
  • Wipe up food spills and crumbs immediately.
  • Use canisters with tight lids for food and garbage storage, including pet chow.
  • Maintain the neatness of your kitchen and pantries.
  • Take out the trash and vacuum regularly.
  • Repair moisture glitches and leaks right away.

How Will Excel Pest Management Handle Southern California Ants?

Don’t look to commercial products to eradicate ants. Every species has a unique reaction to the array of treatments out there. Additionally, some items are either potently toxic or will only address the issue on the surface. For expansive, detailed, and safe care, contact us at Excel Pest Management for oureffective ant control. Our expert technicians will be able to properly identify ant types and nesting zones, and select a fitting solution. Our avenues involve baits, sprays, perimeter barriers, and more. Call or email us today to get started with a free, no-obligation inspection!