What Southern California Property Owners Ought To Know About Dangerous Spiders

spider on wood

Spiders often get a bad rap. What do we mean by this? Well, did you know that less than 30 species of spiders out of 43,000 are dangerous and that only 2 of them can be found here in America? That is an incredibly small percentage. Yet, all spiders are feared. Unlike humans, spiders are considered guilty until proven innocent. Our opinion is that most people are simply uninformed. If you have trouble knowing which spiders are dangerous, and which couldn’t hurt a fly—you know what we mean—then we are here to set the record straight.

Which Spiders Here In Southern California Can Hurt You?

Southern California is home to a number of different harmless spiders. Unfortunately, our area is also home to both of the dangerous spiders found in the United States, black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders. One bite from either of these eight-legged pests is strong enough to send you to the hospital.

To help you better understand these dangerous creatures, here is everything you need to know:

Brown Recluse

Brown recluse spiders are known for their long slender legs, their light- to dark-brown bodies, and the darker-colored backward violin-shaped mark that can be found just behind their head. Unfortunately, these features do not do much to distinguish them from other common household spiders. For this reason, if you see any spider that even closely resembles a brown recluse, it is best to keep your distance.

When inside homes, brown recluse build irregular webs around undisturbed areas. These webs are not meant for catching prey but rather as a place to hide if a brown recluse feels threatened. The typical life span of a brown recluse living indoors can be anywhere from 1 ½ to 5 years.

As for food, brown recluse spiders mainly hunt and live off insects such as cockroaches and crickets. Although this is helpful in keeping pest populations down around your home, we can all agree this benefit does not outweigh the danger they pose.

The good news is that brown recluse spiders are more scared of you than you are of them. The only time they will bite you is if they feel trapped or threatened. Brown recluse bites are not often fatal but can be life-altering if not quickly treated. If you find yourself bitten by a brown recluse, seek medical attention immediately to reduce your risk of preventable medical complications.

Black Widow

Black widow spiders are much easier to identify than their cousins, the brown recluse spider. This is mostly due to their dark black bodies and the clear bright red hourglass marking that can be found on the underside of their abdomen.

When inside homes, black widows tend to weave their webs in dark, cluttered, and secluded areas such as basements, storage areas, garages, and crawl spaces. Outside, black widows like to hide inside firewood and lumber piles, hollow tree stumps, barns, hen houses, sheds, meter boxes, and outhouses.

Just like with the brown recluse, black widow bites are rare. As long as you avoid touching them, you shouldn’t have any issues. The only problem is that they often hide in tight cracks and dark areas. When moving boxes or other stored items around in your home, use a flashlight to check for black widows first.

If bitten by a black widow spider, seek medical attention as soon as possible to reduce your risk of unnecessary complications.

How You Can Keep Dangerous Spiders Out Of Your Southern California Home

When it comes to dealing with pests, no-one does a better job than Excel Pest Management. Our team of dedicated pest professionals have been trained on how to deal with dangerous spiders, and have the tools needed to get your home the protection it needs. Whether you're looking to get rid of a current spider problem or looking for a long-term solution to keep your home pest-free all year round, we have effective spider control options for you.

Contact our team today to find out more about how we treat homes and schedule an inspection for your Southern California property!